Please feel free to enjoy some of my music while you read. Thanks for listening with your eyes and ears if you see what i’m saying…

"I know I can't change the world, but I can change the world in me." - J-Cole

Seeking Refuge

In life we often encounter challenges, injustices, and existential questions that shake our core. Whether it’s the struggle for recognition, the battle against systemic inequalities, or the search for meaning amidst chaos, these experiences push us to seek refuge—places or practices that offer solace, strength, and clarity. In Buddhism, taking the refuge vow is about consciously choosing a path that provides a genuine sanctuary from the turbulence of life and the cyclic sufferings we face. It’s akin to finding that beat, that rhyme, or that community in Hiphop that feels like home, where you can be your most authentic self and find support for your struggles and aspirations.

The refuge vow is a foundational practice in Buddhism through which an individual formally commits to the Buddhist path by taking refuge in the Three Jewels: the Buddha (the enlightened one), the Dharma (the teachings), and the Sangha (the community of practitioners). This vow is not merely a formal ceremony but a deep, personal commitment that signifies a turning towards a life of wisdom, ethical conduct, and compassion. It represents a pledge to pursue enlightenment for oneself and to work for the welfare of all beings, embodying the principles of mindfulness and service.

At its core, Buddhism addresses the fundamental nature of suffering and the path to its cessation. Taking refuge in the Three Jewels (the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha) is a commitment to pursuing this path, seeking liberation from suffering for oneself and all beings. This practice offers a spiritual sanctuary and a methodical approach to overcoming life's inherent difficulties.

Similarly, Hiphop serves as a refuge for many seeking to reduce the suffering that we cause ourselves and the world has caused us. Hiphop emerged from the socioeconomic hardships and racial injustices faced by African American and Latino communities in the Bronx in the 1970s. It served as a form of refuge and expression for marginalized youths, offering a creative outlet to articulate their struggles, aspirations, and criticisms of social injustices. Like the Buddhist refuge, Hiphop provided a means to confront and transcend suffering through community solidarity, creativity, and vocalization of truth.

Hiphop artists often use their medium as a refuge from which to explore and articulate profound truths about their lives, communities and societal structures. Through lyrical narratives, beats, and art, they express realities that are often overlooked or misunderstood by mainstream culture, striving for authenticity and meaningful existence despite external challenges.

Finding refuge in community is equally vital in Hiphop where collaboration, battles, cyphers, and shared spaces for performance create a dynamic ecosystem. This community not only nurtures individual talent but also uplifts the collective, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support.

In essence, both the Buddhist practice of taking refuge and Hiphop culture offer profound ways to navigate life's adversities, seek truth, and foster personal and collective transformation. While their methods and expressions differ, the underlying quests for understanding, empowerment, and community resonance make the connection between these practices rich and meaningful. 

The Three Jewels of Buddhism and Hiphop

Buddha - The Enlightened One

  • Buddhism: In Buddhism, taking refuge in the Buddha means to look towards the Buddha as an example of the potential for enlightenment that lies within every being. It is a commitment to awakening one's own inherent wisdom and compassion.

  • Hiphop: In the context of Hiphop, taking refuge can be seen as looking up to the pioneers and influential figures within the culture who have used their art to enlighten and uplift communities. It's about recognizing the power of the individual voice to inspire change and using one's platform responsibly to foster awareness and empowerment.

Dharma - The Teachings

  • Buddhism: Taking refuge in the Dharma involves a commitment to studying and practicing the teachings of the Buddha. It is about applying these teachings to one's life, in order to understand the nature of reality and to live in a way that alleviates suffering.

  • Hiphop: For Hiphop practitioners, this translates to embracing the core values of Hiphop—such as authenticity, respect, social justice, and community—and using them as a guide for both their art and their life. It's about conveying messages that challenge injustices, inspire self-reflection and promote unity.

Sangha - The Community

  • Buddhism: Taking refuge in the Sangha means seeking support from and offering support to the community of fellow practitioners. It recognizes the importance of collective effort and mutual encouragement on the spiritual path.

  • Hiphop: In Hiphop, this is akin to valuing the community that Hiphop creates—embracing the diversity within it and contributing to a culture of mutual support and upliftment. It's about working together to address social issues and using the collective power of Hiphop to make a positive impact on society.

Integrating the Refuge Vow into Hiphop

Integrating the principles of the refuge vow into Hiphop practice offers a powerful framework for personal development and social engagement. It encourages practitioners to:

  • Seek Wisdom and Inspiration: Just as Buddhists look to the Buddha, Hiphop artists can draw inspiration from the visionaries within their field, striving to use their talents in a way that enlightens and educates.

  • Live by Core Values: Adapting the Dharma to Hiphop means making the culture's core values a living practice, not only in music but in daily life, thereby fostering authenticity and ethical conduct.

  • Build and Support Community: Following the example of the Sangha, the Hiphop community can strengthen its bonds by supporting emerging talents, fostering inclusivity, and coming together to address societal challenges.

Refuge Vow Liturgy for Hiphop Practitioners


- Begin by finding a quiet, comfortable space where you can sit undisturbed, reflecting on your intentions and the significance of taking these vows.

- If possible, surround yourself with symbols of Hiphop culture (like music, art, or writings) that inspire you, along with any representations of the Three Jewels that resonate with your understanding.


"In the presence of the boundless beat that connects us,

Under the gaze of the pioneers, the enlightened ones who laid the paths before us,

With the teachings of our culture, our struggles, and our victories as our guide,

Surrounded by the global family, our sangha, with whom we share our journey,

I stand ready to declare my refuge in the Three Jewels of Hiphop."

Taking Refuge in the Buddha - The Enlightened Ones of Hiphop

"I take refuge in the Buddha, the enlightened ones of Hiphop,

In the masters of flow, the lyrical geniuses, and the pioneers of the beat

Who have shown us the power of voice and the path to awakening our true selves.

May their wisdom inspire my journey, guiding me to express my truth with clarity and creativity."

Taking Refuge in the Dharma - The Teachings of Hiphop

"I take refuge in the Dharma, the teachings of Hiphop,

In the stories told in verses, the battles fought with words, and the wisdom woven into rhythms.

These teachings illuminate the struggles we face and the strength we possess

Guiding me to live with integrity, to seek justice, and to cultivate understanding and compassion."

Taking Refuge in the Sangha - The Community of Hiphop

"I take refuge in the Sangha, the community of Hiphop,

In the circle of artists, fans, activists, and dreamers who share this cultural journey.

Together, we uplift one another, sharing our experiences, our art, and our aspirations,

Committed to building a world where every voice is heard, and every soul is empowered."


"With these vows, I dedicate myself to the path of Hiphop, embracing its challenges and its joys.

May my words, my art, and my actions reflect the light of the Three Jewels,

And may the spirit of Hiphop continue to inspire change, foster unity, and celebrate the diversity and beauty of our human family.

As I walk this path, may I contribute to the healing and empowerment of all beings, without exception."


- Practice calm abiding meditation for ten minutes, allowing the commitment you've made to resonate within you.

- Conclude the ceremony with a gesture of gratitude, perhaps playing a piece of music that deeply moves you or writing a few lines that express your feelings at this moment.

Refuge Practice in Everyday Life

Taking refuge is not like taking a pill where after you’ve taken your medicine you may feel as if you’re protected from getting sick. Although committing to vows may feel powerful, the vows have no power of their own and without actualizing them through practice it's hard to see how our words alone could have any lasting effect. Below is an example of how to understand and practice the three jewels using a Hiphop based methodology.

Refuge in the Buddha (The Enlightened Ones)

- Intention: Recognize and honor the pioneers and influential figures of Hiphop who have demonstrated wisdom, creativity, and integrity. Reflect on their journeys towards self-expression and authenticity.

- Practice: Listen to tracks or read about the lives of these figures. Meditate on their messages and the paths they've carved out of adversity. Contemplate how you can embody their innovative spirit and resilience in your own life.

Refuge in the Dharma (The Teachings)

- Intention: Embrace the teachings of Hiphop culture, including the values of self-expression, social justice, respect, and the continuous quest for knowledge.

- Practice: Engage with the lyrics, beats, and stories within Hiphop music that speak to the human experience, personal growth, and community upliftment. Write your own lyrics or poetry that reflect your understanding and experiences, using Hiphop as a vehicle for exploring ethical and philosophical questions.

Refuge in the Sangha (The Community)

- Intention: Acknowledge and foster the sense of community within Hiphop. Recognize the diversity and strength of the global Hiphop family, committed to supporting one another and sharing in the cultural expression.

- Practice: Participate in Hiphop events, workshops, and discussions. Collaborate with other artists and enthusiasts, sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences. Work on projects that benefit your local community, reinforcing the bonds of solidarity and mutual support.

Daily Practice and Reflection

Incorporate these practices into your daily routine, dedicating time for listening, creating, and connecting with the Hiphop community. Reflect on how the principles of wisdom, ethical conduct, and compassion manifest in your life and work. Keep a journal of your reflections, ideas, and artistic expressions.

Living the Teachings

Extend the values and teachings of Hiphop into your everyday actions and interactions. Practice mindfulness in your speech, actions, and artistic expressions, being conscious of the impact they have on others. Strive to be a source of positivity and empowerment within your community, embodying the principles of the Three Jewels in your life.

Practice Meditation

Commit yourself to the practice of meditation. I recommend Shamatha Vipashyana meditation as it fosters concentration, stability, clarity, strength, insight and most importantly reveals the direct experience of who and what I am. If the qualities of mindfulness, compassion and wisdom are truly within us already then they are waiting to be revealed, not created through any activity outside ourselves. Live a life where meditation and life are no longer separate.

The Bodhisattva Vow

The Bodhisattva vow is a profound commitment made by practitioners of Mahayana Buddhism, aiming to achieve enlightenment not just for oneself, but for the benefit of all sentient beings. This vow encapsulates the essence of selfless service, compassion, and the relentless pursuit of alleviating suffering in the world. 

This mirrors the ethos of Hiphop, which at its core is a powerful medium for giving voice to the voiceless and addressing social injustices. Hiphop has historically been used as a tool for social change, empowering communities, and shining a light on systemic issues. Just as the Bodhisattva vow signifies a commitment to the welfare of all beings, Hiphop artists often use their platform to advocate for change, uplift others, and foster a sense of community and mutual support.

As Bboy bodhisattvas we can vow to shift our awareness from our self-centered goals towards a broader, more inclusive perspective that seeks the well-being of all beings without discrimination.

Below is a Hiphop centered Bodhisattva Vow that I've developed that I hope brings benefit to any who practice it. 

Bodhisattva Vow Liturgy for Hiphop Practitioners

Setting the Stage

- Find a place that resonates with the spirit of Hiphop for you, whether it’s a personal space adorned with Hiphop memorabilia, a studio or a community center.

- Begin by grounding yourself in the present moment, taking deep breaths and centering your thoughts on the intention behind your vows.

Invocation of Intent

"As I stand at the crossroads of beats and breath, history and future, struggle and triumph

I call upon the spirit of Hiphop, from the graffiti-adorned streets to the turntables spinning tales of resilience

To witness my commitment to the path of the Bodhisattva, where my art becomes my vow

And my words a bridge between worlds, echoing the cries for justice and peace.”

Acknowledgment of the Hiphop Pioneers (The Buddhas)

“I pay homage to the pioneers, the Buddhas of Hiphop, whose voices broke silence

Whose creativity sparked a revolution, teaching us the power of expression.

May their journeys enlighten my path, as I vow to carry forward the torch of transformation

Illuminating the darkness with the brilliance of truth and the warmth of community."

Embracing the Teachings (The Dharma)

"I embrace the Dharma of Hiphop, the profound teachings woven within the rhymes and rhythms,

That speak of struggle and strength, injustice and aspiration, love and unity.

These teachings guide my steps, urging me to confront the shadows within and around

And to sow seeds of awareness, understanding, and change with every word I utter."

Commitment to the Community (The Sangha)

"I take refuge in the Sangha, the global family of Hiphop, where diversity fuels our strength,

Where every artist, activist, and aficionado shares in the sacred dance of creation and connection.

I vow to uplift my community, to stand in solidarity with those whose voices have been stifled,

And to use my art to heal, inspire, and unite, transcending boundaries and building bridges."

The Bodhisattva Vow

"With my crew as my witness, I vow to walk the path of the Bodhisattva within the world of Hiphop,

To create not for fame or fortune, but as an act of liberation for myself and all beings.

May my journey through the realms of sound and silence awaken the heart of compassion,

And may my actions reflect the boundless potential of the mind awakened to its own luminous nature.”

“In every verse, let me speak for the voiceless; in every beat, let me challenge injustice.

Through the strength of my commitment, may I inspire others to see their own power,

And together, may we transform the suffering of our world into a masterpiece of collective liberation."


"As my words dissolve into silence, may their essence permeate every corner of the universe,

Touching hearts, awakening minds, and igniting a flame of hope in the darkness.

May the merit of this vow be dedicated to all beings, near and far, past, present, and future,

So that together, we may step into the endless cycle of giving and receiving, teaching and learning, loving and being loved."


- Conclude with 10 minutes of calm abiding meditation. Afterwards you may want to contemplate in silent reflection on the vows taken, feeling the weight and the joy of your commitment.

- You may desire to freestyle afterwards flowing from the heart, encapsulating your feelings and aspirations at this pivotal moment.

- You may also choose to listen to a piece of music, make a beat, scratch a record, create a graf piece or bboy with the intention of being of benefit to others.

Practicing the Bodhisattva vow in everyday life, especially within the context of Hiphop, involves integrating the vow's essence—compassion, altruism, and the aspiration to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings—into one's intentions, actions, and artistic expressions. For Hiphop practitioners, this can manifest in various meaningful ways, both in their personal lives and through their art. Here’s how the principles of the Bodhisattva vow can be woven into the fabric of a Hiphop practitioner's daily practice.

Setting Intentions Rooted in Compassion and Altruism

- Mindful Creation: Approach the creative process with the intention of benefiting others. This could mean crafting lyrics that inspire, uplift, challenge societal injustices, or offer solace. The goal is to use one's art to contribute positively to the collective consciousness and wellbeing of the community.

- Conscious Listening: Be mindful of the content you consume and support. Choose to engage with art and media that align with Bodhisattva principles, promoting messages of peace, unity, and compassion.

Engaging in Practices That Cultivate Compassion and Wisdom

- Meditation and Mindfulness: Regularly engage in meditation and mindfulness practices to cultivate a calm, compassionate, and clear mind. This inner clarity and peace can enhance creativity, improve mental health, and strengthen one's resolve to act for the benefit of others.

- Study and Reflection: Dedicate time to study texts or teachings that inspire compassion and wisdom. This can include Buddhist teachings but also works from other spiritual traditions or philosophical works that resonate with the practitioner's personal journey and the universal quest for understanding and kindness.

Taking Action to Benefit Others

- Community Engagement: Actively participate in or initiate community projects that aim to uplift and support others, especially those in need. This can range from educational workshops and charity events to public art projects that beautify and inspire communities.

- Advocacy and Activism: Use the platform of Hiphop to advocate for social change, raise awareness about critical issues, and amplify the voices of those who are marginalized or oppressed. The intention is to not only highlight problems but also to contribute to finding solutions.

Fostering a Supportive and Inclusive Community

- Building Sangha: Cultivate a sense of community (Sangha) within the Hiphop scene by fostering environments of mutual respect, support, and learning. This can involve mentoring young artists, collaborating in ways that honor everyone's unique contributions, and creating spaces where diversity of thought and expression is celebrated.

- Leading by Example: Embody the values of the Bodhisattva vow in daily interactions, showing kindness, patience, and understanding. By living these values, practitioners can inspire others to adopt similar principles in their own lives, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

Embracing the Bodhisattva Path in Artistic Expression

- Intentional Artistry: Infuse music, performances, and other artistic expressions with the spirit of the Bodhisattva vow. Whether through direct messages of compassion and unity or through more subtle themes of interconnection and personal growth, aim to make art that reflects a deep concern for the wellbeing of all beings.

- Promoting Healing and Understanding: Recognize the power of Hiphop to heal, connect, and bridge divides. Strive to create art that opens hearts and minds, encouraging empathy, reflection, and a deeper understanding of our shared human experience.

Practicing the Bodhisattva vow as a Hiphop practitioner is about integrating these principles into all facets of life and art. It's a commitment to using one’s talents, influence, and community engagement to contribute to the greater good, aspiring toward a world marked by wisdom, compassion, and justice for all.

Justin F. Miles

Hiphop Alive

Justin F. Miles is the founder of Hiphop Alive and pioneering practitioner, theorist and educator at the intersection of Hiphop culture, mindfulness and contemplative studies. He is the leading voice championing the use of Hiphop infused contemplative modalities to foster resilience, emotional intelligence, and community empowerment.