Buddhist Lineage Chant

A Buddhist lineage chant (sometimes called an homage) is a form of liturgical practice performed within the Buddhist community that pays respect to the lineage of practitioners and teachers who have preserved and transmitted the teachings of the Buddha through generations. These chants often involve the recitation of names and virtues of past masters, acknowledging their contributions to the Dharma and expressing gratitude for their guidance. The lineage chant serves to remind practitioners of their spiritual heritage, creating a sense of continuity and connection with the historical Buddha and the successive lineage of enlightened teachers.

Benefits of Lineage Chants

Lineage chants are beneficial as they help practitioners prepare their minds for meditation, fostering a conducive mental environment for spiritual practice. They also serve to reinforce a sense of belonging and shared identity within the Buddhist community, strengthening the collective commitment to the path of enlightenment. By invoking the lineage, practitioners feel part of a larger group that transcends time and space, providing inspiration and support in their spiritual journey.

Drawing parallels between Buddhist lineage chants and the concept of a Hiphop centered lineage chant, we can see how such a practice could be beneficial within the Hiphop community. A Hiphop lineage chant pays homage to the pioneers and influential figures of Hiphop culture, acknowledging their contributions to the art form and the community. This includes the founders of the genre, influential MCs, DJs, breakdancers, graffiti artists, and other key figures who have shaped Hiphop's evolution.

The benefits of a Hiphop centered lineage chant are similar to those in Buddhist practice:

1. Preparation for Creative Expression: Just as Buddhist chants prepare the mind for meditation, a Hiphop lineage chant prepares artists for creative expression, grounding them in the history and values of Hiphop culture before engaging in their art.

2. Sense of Community and Continuity: Reciting the names and achievements of Hiphop's forebears fosters a sense of community and continuity, reminding current practitioners that they are part of a larger narrative that stretches back to the origins of hip-hop.

3. Inspiration and Motivation: Acknowledging the struggles, successes, and artistic innovations of Hiphop's lineage serves as a source of inspiration and motivation for artists, encouraging them to carry the torch forward and contribute to the culture's ongoing evolution.

4. Cultural Preservation: A lineage chant helps preserve the history and core values of Hiphop, ensuring that the contributions of its pioneers are not forgotten and that the culture's roots remain respected and integrated into its future development.

This Hiphop centered lineage chant honors the past and hopefully inspires current and future generations to continue innovating and contributing to the rich tapestry of Hiphop culture.

Homage to the 3 Lineages of Hiphop

(Read slowly in a monotone voice)

In the spirit of the sacred, we chant in homage,  

To the pioneers of beats, rhymes, and knowledge.  

From the streets of the Bronx to the corners of the globe,  

Hiphop's lineage unfolds, a story told in strobe.

(Verse 1)

From the parks of the Bronx, the beats arose,

Kool Herc spun the tables, Hiphop's heart composed.

With breaks and loops, the crowd engaged,

A culture birthed, a new stage was laid.

From Herc's Herculoids to the spread of the sound,  

The seeds of Hiphop culture were sown in the ground.  

Behavioral shifts in dance and art,  

Cultural revolutions, a brand new start.


We chant for wisdom, we chant for peace,  

Through Hiphop's expression, our souls release.  

From Herc, to Flash, to Rakim's rhyme,  

We honor their teachings, time after time.

(Verse 2)

Black Benji, peacekeeper, with unity's call,

Stood for justice, breaking down the walls.

In the face of strife, his courage shone bright,

A beacon for change, in the darkest of night.

Benji's spirit, through Hiphop, found a form,  

Transforming street energy into a cultural norm.  

Social contributions, a legacy so bold,  

A story of redemption, forever retold.


We chant for justice, we chant for truth,  

In every lyric and in every booth.  

From Benji's peace to Tupac's cries,  

We see the world through their wise eyes.

(Verse 3)

KRS-One, the teacher, with wisdom so vast,

Spoke of a culture where spirituality's cast.

With the Zulu Nation, he stood at the fore,

Promoting peace, love, and so much more.

Awareness and knowledge, their powerful tools,

Used to educate the streets and the schools.

In rhymes and rhythms, they found the divine,

A movement of consciousness, line by line.


We chant for connection, we chant for love,  

For the culture below and the stars above.  

For love, wisdom, spirit, body and mind. 

Through peace and unity we experience Hiphop Alive.


From raw expressions to refined global rhymes,

Hiphop evolved, transcending the times.

In behavior, we dance, we express our voice,

In culture, we dress, with style our choice.

In society, we stand against oppression's weight,

In spirit, we rise realized at a higher state.

From the South Bronx alleys to the world's vast stage,

Hiphop's lineage grows, from sage to sage.

Artists and activists, women and men,

Their legacy endures, time and again.

In homage we chant, to the pioneers of sound,

Their contributions profound, forever bound.

To the lineage of Hiphop, we bow and we nod,

For the path they paved, and the journey we trod.

Hiphop Alive

Justin F. Miles is the founder of Hiphop Alive and pioneering practitioner, theorist and educator at the intersection of Hiphop culture, mindfulness and contemplative studies. He is the leading voice championing the use of Hiphop infused contemplative modalities to foster resilience, emotional intelligence, and community empowerment.